‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’

sâmbătă, 3 septembrie 2011

Day 5, 1st of September 2011

(The presentation of the day was made by the Latvian group)

1st of September in Green Consumer way.. J
While in many countries this day is the first school day, Green Consumers weren’t going to school today. But You also can not say, that we didn’t learn anything.
Morning started earlier, than usual (at 7.45 there was breakfast waiting for us already). After that at 8.15 we all (yes, we were all on time!!!) sat into the taxis and went straight to Sinaia to see, what I am told, the must-see object in Romania – the Peles Castle. And I must agree to it – the place is AMAZING! All the participants were going through the building and it’s surroundings with eyes wide open and making sounds like “ooohhh” and “ahhh” J
Afterwards we went to see the Sinaia Monastery. On our way there were a lot of souvenirs, and as good tourists, we took some time in those places.
From about 12.00 till 13.30 we had lunch in Sinaia. Everyone could choose whatever they wanted – someone choose to eat pizza (maybe because of gratis beer..? J ), someone wanted to economy money a bit and had some kebabs, but at the end everyone was happy!!
With stomachs full, we went to tele-cabin to get up on to the mountain. (some of people wanted to rest a bit or were scared from height, so they stayed in city) But up there we had some unexpected guests – rain and thunder. But Green Consumers are never worried about anything!! We went to the little cafeteria, took some hot chocolate, coffee or hot wine and had some time there just enjoying the view and each others company.
At the way down we split – there were people taking minibus down and also some who choose just the same way, as we took up – the tele-cabin. But anyway, this all included a lot of fun, wet clothes and laughter.
We took the train from Sinaia back to Busteni, and at the moment when we got back, it also had finished to rain.
Back at hostel we made a midterm evaluation. The conclusion of that was – this is one of the best projects we all are participating! We have great accommodation (there were some complains about vegetarian food, but at the exact evening guys who are not eating meat, got their meals as well), people are friendly and willing to work together not to make conflicts.
This evening we had a disco. But it was not every other disco!! It was the Salad disco. Each country got the table on which there were some vegetables and it was possible to get some more and also some spices on common table. We had about half an hour to cook everything. I have to say that music and dancing makes the process as interesting and fun as it can be. And as in a lot of things, process is the main thing, not the result, we were not worried if some ingredients were not supposed to mix together or something. We just were enjoying the time and the evening, and actually at the end also got some nice things.
Getting back to what we learned – we got to know some facts about history of Romania in the castle and also in monastery, saw everyday Romanian lifestyle, could see how green or not it is. But I guess the most important thing that we got out of this day, and also from all the other days in here – we get to know other persons, other cultures and with that ourselves too. It is like living through the popular slogan “all different, all equal!”

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