‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’

sâmbătă, 3 septembrie 2011

Day 4, 31th of August 2011

(The presentation of the day was made by the Estonian group)

We woke up as usual and later it was a surprise because we were going hiking in mountains.
After an energizer held by Estonian group (Heeey, baby!) and the previous day evaluation shown by Lithuanians  everyone was ready to go.
First we started with a group forming activities and later collected some garbage around the place.
Then it came time to chairlift to the mountain (nice experience).
The view from up there was gorgeous! Time was running so fast and soon we were walking down the mountain to Vila Cristina.
After the dinner it was another wonderful and creative activity – an island building.
Some chose banana republic, while the others appeared to live on a strawberry field and other very green places. The main criteria were to be nature friendly and to use only biological materials. Some guys appeared to be really good in it.
The day finished with a hobby show. There was a lot of interesting to see and to be taught (jangling, guitar playing, rope walking etc, etc.) so, it was day 4 of our stay in Busteni nice as ever.

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