‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’

vineri, 2 septembrie 2011

Day 3, 30th of August 2011

(Presentation of the day made by the Spanish Group)

3th day report (30th August) – Spanish group

Morning:Youth presentantion, Ngo bazaar,

Afternoon:  Eco-anti eco
Evening: dinner.
30 minutes after diner we had a second diner.  I am starting to love this exchange! Each country prepared a table with the typical food (and of course drinks) from their region. I have two rules: 1. Eat as much as you can, and 2. If it is free it is good! So it was a perfect night for me!
Romania: they prepared quite good traditional food and home-made alcohol. The food I enjoyed more was the spicy salami and the home-made alcohol. Actually it was quite strong but not too high graduation.
Lithuania:  I’m not used to eat cucumber, but they offer me some of them (and they were free) so I couldn’t refuse! They put some honey in the top of the cucumber. It is a mix of flavour that I really recommend it to taste. The home made wine from apple was good!

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